international traffic - tradução para russo
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international traffic - tradução para russo

TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network; TRAFFIC; TRAFFIC International; Traffic International; TRAFFIC Oceania
  • [[Ivory]] tower of tusks from poached elephants
  • Snakes smuggled in a speaker, the type of animal trafficking TRAFFIC tries to cease
  • 180px
  • Rhino]] is a focus of Traffic conservation efforts

international traffic      

общая лексика

международное телефонное сообщение

1) движение, сообщение; транспорт
2) перевозки; грузооборот
3) фрахт, грузы; количество перевозимого груза или пассажиров
4) pl перевозимые объекты (груз. пассажиры); объекты перевозки
5) количество принимаемых и передаваемых телеграмм, радиограмм, переговоров
- carry on traffic
- what the traffic will bear
- cargo traffic
- coach traffic
- deplaned traffic
- enplaned traffic
- freight traffic
- high-rated traffic
- high-value commodity traffic
- intercity bus traffic
- interstate traffic
- intrastate traffic
- joint traffic
- local traffic
- long-haul traffic
- mixed traffic
- nonrevenue traffic
- outgoing traffic
- passenger traffic
- rail traffic
- revenue traffic
- service traffic
- store traffic
- through traffic
- trunk traffic
traffic 1. noun 1) движение; транспорт 2) фрахт, грузы; количество перевезенных пассажиров за определенный период 3) торговля - carry on traffic - traffic in votes 4) attr. относящийся к транспорту - traffic manager - traffic officer - traffic cop - traffic controller 2. v. торговать (in - чем-л.) - traffic in


Александр Андреевич (1803-90) , российский флорист-систематик, член-корреспондент Петербургской АН (1833). Изучал флору Алтая, а также Монголии и Китая (1830-32), Персии (1857-59). Описал много новых видов. Один из основоположников географо-морфологического метода в систематике растений.
Николай Христианович (1823-95) , российский государственный деятель, экономист, академик Петербургской АН (1890). В 1881-86 министр финансов. В 1887-95 председатель Кабинета министров. Проводил политику протекционизма, правительственного финансирования промышленности. Инициатор отмены подушной подати.


Traffic (conservation programme)

TRAFFIC (Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce), the Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network, is a global non-governmental organisation monitoring the trade in wild animals and plants that focuses on biodiversity and sustainable development. It was originally created in 1976 as a specialist group of the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and evolved into a strategic alliance of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the IUCN.

Exemplos de pronúncia para international traffic
1. the international traffic.
Digital Cosmopolitans _ Ethan Zuckerman _ Talks at Google
2. of that international traffic that
Rana Mitter _ Talks at Google
3. They had stopped all the international traffic.
This is NPR - The First Forty Years _ Renee Montagne _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para international traffic
1. It maintains it is interested only in international traffic and will filter out domestic communications.
2. He has moved boldly –– recklessly, it seems to Americans –– into the international traffic flow.
3. Delhi and Mumbai account for almost 65% of India‘s international traffic of 1'm passengers a year.
4. International traffic grew 8.' percent to 3.6 million passengers and domestic traffic increased 17 percent to 3 million passengers.
5. The two airports handle about 65 per cent of India‘s international traffic of 1' million passengers annually.